Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Marketing Situation In Greece And Strategies On Improving The Same - 1375 Words

Marketing Situation In Greece And Strategies On Improving The Same (Essay Sample) Content: Marketing in GreeceAuthors NameInstitutional AffiliationMarketing in GreeceIntroductionMarketing in Greece is underdeveloped because the nation lacks adequate number of private corporations because of insufficient industrialization (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.793).Greeks were still entangled in agricultural industry until the 1960s when industrial development started (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.793). The Greeks slowly got into commerce with little knowledge and they are reluctant to adapt to the marketing strategies to make their economy boom. The business sector is filled with small and medium sized organizations that are hard to merge into corporations. Unlike small and medium size firms, only corporations are capable of attracting large and more investors. Hence, for Greece to develop in terms of marketing, they need to have corporations that stand out to attract more investors into their nation. It is also essential for industrialization to be available for economic development of a state to certain degree (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.793). Furthermore, there is need for strategic marketing plan to analyze both short-term and durable objectives as they relate to the marketing schemes. The aim of this paper is to identify the marketing strategic issues, recommendations and their critical considerations for successful implementation in Greece for its marketing growth as well as development.Key Marketing Strategic Issues in This CaseGreek is filled with many small- and medium-size organizations and proprietorships that lack the ability to form and maintain strategic marketing plans found in corporate forms of company (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.794). They prefer remaining this way because they consider face-to-face relationship as the best scheme for market penetration. Hence, contemporary strategic marketing applications and theories cannot attain their optimal phase of success in Greece compared to other developed nations in Europe (Rivero Theod ore, 2013, p.794). Therefore, this hinders marketing growth and development within the country.Most managers and business owners do not consider practicing or engaging marketing strategies into their firms that is a very significant element of their organization (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.795). Moreover, they do not consider organizational strategies in managing their firms. The owners or managers who make firm decisions haphazardly have little or no expertise in that sector (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.795). Inappropriate decisions lead to fall of a business because there were no proper consultations or considerations put in place before arriving to a particular decision.Immature business and managerial attitude of owners and managers of Greek firms hinders their companys development as well as profitability prospects (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.795). This has led to ignorance of the function of marketing strategies. They only rely on it on monitoring their budgeting expenses. This is very risky because for one to gain high or better profits, strategic marketing is essential.Growth and development of marketing cannot exist in Greek through ample marketing strategic administrative plans as well as implementations originating from more developed states because of the backward attitude of business entrepreneurs (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.795). Many large size corporations from developed nations have tried to penetrate the market but their efforts have been fruitless. The small firms are comfortable where they are in the market place. Suppose a foreign investor tries to come in to change their perception to develop their economy, the person is considered as an intruder.Recommendations Foreseen Obstacles That Would Lead to Development and Marketing GrowthA marketing class should be introduced into the curricula in colleges and universities to assist student with knowledge in their daily marketing activities (Rivero Theodore, 2013, p.795). This is very essential to help change the backward perceptions of Greeks considering strategic marketing roles and plans. The education will make the students recognize the importance of enacting strategic marketing plans in the business firm within the country to lead to g...

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