Friday, May 22, 2020

An Active Personality - 826 Words

Earth is crowded with billions of people, and each individual is different from the rest. Physical traits like finger prints and DNA give people their individual identity, but there is more to identity just than the physical traits. The experience of tragedy and joy also plays a critical role in giving people their individual identity. Personality is the other factor that separates one person from others, and the personality of an individual depends heavily on his or her beliefs, culture, and the environment in which he or she are raised. There are several different types of personality tests that one can take to identify certain traits of his or her identity, and one of them is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). According to MBTI and my life experience, as an ISTP I possess an inquisitive mind, an adventuresome spirit, and a desire to be active. For as long as I can remember, I have been curious about almost everything. This curiosity of mine has led me to unravel the mystery o f how things work and how they are formed. According to BSM Consulting, author of High-Level Description of the Sixteen Personality Types â€Å"The Mechanic,† â€Å"ISTPs have a compelling drive to understand the way things work and they like to take things apart and see the way they work† (BMS, â€Å"The Mechanic† par.2). When I was about fourteen, one day while I was microwaving the popcorn, I began to question myself about the components required to build a microwave oven and how those components work. IShow MoreRelatedEk Ruka Hua Faisla1167 Words   |  5 Pagesobservation about other personality was controlling by nature. This individual was the one who was handling the whole decision making process. Controlling always leads to aggression. So we saw that the person who was controlling and handling the committee was aggressive often. 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