Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Antiwar Movement Of Vietnam - 1882 Words

The Antiwar Movement of Vietnam The Vietnam war had many deaths and injuries. One of the main reasons the U.S got involved was to stop the spread of communism. At first everybody supported America being involved. Unfortunately, as time went on, people started to think that we should not be involved. Those people wanted us to remove our troops from Vietnam. The people that resisted the war were called Doves. During the Vietnam War there was opposition to it, therefore there was a huge antiwar movement which left a legacy and impact on America. At first the war in Vietnam was going well for us. Unfortunately, things started becoming worse. Many people became frustrated with the situation in Vietnam. Conventional Warfare was not effective†¦show more content†¦Americans started obviously opposing the war when Johnson continued to send money, soldiers, and weapons to South Vietnam. War had not been officially declared, but resources kept being sent over. The people who opposed th e war started to become afraid that all the bombing raids would provoke the Soviet Unions or Communist China to make their military actions better in that area. Other people in the United States also started to oppose the war because they believed that it was not right to send such young people to war so far away. In September 1963, the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy announced that the United States should end its involvement in Vietnam. By the 1960’s, President Johnson’s advisors recognized that people started turning against Johnson because they did not like the U.S being involved. McNamara sent President Johnson a memo that expressed concerns about the involvement in the Vietnam War, The Vietnam war is unpopular in this country. It is becoming increasingly unpopular as it escalates - causing more American casualties, more fear of its growing into a wider war†¦ and more distress at the amount of suffering being visited on the noncombatants in Viet nam, South, and North. Most Americans do not know how we got where we are, and most†¦ are convinced that somehow we should not have gotten this deeply in. All want the war ended and expect their President to end

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